Public Relations Functions

Public Relations specialized functions are categorized by the publics with which relationships are established, and to whom appeals are made to understand and/or accept certain policies, procedures, individuals, causes, products or services. Practitioners who perform specialized functions may play a management role, operate as a communications technician, or function in a dual role.

Community Relations

A public relations function consisting of an organization’s planned, active and continuing participation with and within a community to maintain and enhance its environment to the benefit of both the organization and the community. This can involve partnerships, volunteer activities, philanthropic contributions and public participation.

Employee Relations

Dealing and communicating with the employees of an organization. This can include team building and employee empowerment.

Government Relations

Dealing and communicating with legislatures and government agencies on behalf of an organization.

Financial Relations

Dealing and communicating with firms and interest groups within the organization’s industry.

Media Relations

Dealing and communicating with the news media when seeking publicity or responding to reporters’ questions. It also involves setting up and maintaining a professional and mutually beneficial working relationship with news gatherers and gatekeepers, in part by becoming known as a credible source and as a provider of factual, expert information whether or not that information results in media coverage.

Public Affairs

Dealing and communicating with government and groups with regard to societal (public) policies, action and legislation. Unlike government relations, where the practitioner works strictly on behalf of an organization, public affairs also is concerned with the effect of public policies, actions and legislation on its publics.